state engagements

Ahvaan means to invoke – and it felt
like a call – to the Founding Trustees
as they decided that the path for this
new entity would be to work in the
critical area of Foundational Learning,
with Government schools, where
65% of India’s children study.

Ahvaan’s approach is that of working with State Governments and organizations and supporting the Government’s own efforts towards improving Foundational Learning.

Ahvaan focuses on sustainability and scale in our critical initiatives by strengthening Government systems integration through our work in the areas of Curriculum, Professional Development and Parent engagement.

Ahvaan works with Departments of Education (DOE) and the State Councils for Education, Research & Training (SCERT) as well as the District Institutes of Education & Training (DIETS) in every State. We envision this Government system integration as a viable pathway to scale and are harnessing technology to drive the changes.

For Ahvaan, success would be reflected by partnering with State Governments and related agencies to implement a Foundational Literacy and Numeracy framework, which scales and is sustained by a strengthened education ecosystem within each State.